Saturday, February 7, 2015

Plan of Salvation Lesson

Tomorrow I am teaching the lesson from Come Follow Me,
"What is the Plan of Salvation?"

I found a website that had a creative idea.
She posted it back in 2009 and I thought the
girls in my ward would really enjoy it.
You can find her post here.
All of the credit for this idea needs to go to Angela at

She created this lesson as a play.
There are three acts in the Plan of Salvation.
You can find all of the information on her website.
She has pictures of a Playbill that she created for the lesson.
Every YW received a playbill before the lesson and they could read along.
The only problem is that she never posted her playbill for download.
I really want to use this idea for my lesson, so I made one.
It wasn't easy!
It took me a lot longer than I thought it would have.
I took all of her information that she typed on her blog
and created a playbill to look similar to her's in the picture.

These are the changes that I made:
- I added a few scriptures to reference what was being taught.
- I changed a few of the summaries.
- I made simple spelling and grammatical changes.
 - I took the parable of the cookie jar out of the playbill,
but still plan on using it in my lesson.

Here is the cover of my playbill.
If you would like to download the entire document, you can go here.
The file is a .pdf file.
I had it printed in color and two-sided.
It should be all formatted correctly so that the booklet is in order.
Make sure to print two-sided and flip over the long edge.
If you just can't get it to print correctly two-sided, then print it one-sided.
Here are all of the pages in order, so you can use those if you want.
 I downloaded all of the cute pictures here.

Let me know if you have any questions!


  1. thanks so much! this is perfect for my lesson today :)

  2. You are amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us! :)


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